Uploading Images, Graphics, Files

Images, graphics, and files, such as Word documents, PowerPoint presentations and portable document files, may require some manipulation before they are uploaded into your Drupal website. Why? Depending on the source of the file, it may be too large for web purposes. When using UNT stock photos, the images are provided for printing—way too large for web purposes. To be sure, check the size of the image, graphic or file first, then upload it. In general, try to keep your image no larger than 2MB or your page will load very slowly—a no-no in the web world.

Type of Image

Photo for the Hero Feature

Hero Feature: As a general rule, keep your main version of a image no larger than 1200-1600px and in the under 2MB range.

Hero Image - Mobile Device (700px)

Image requirements: This will be the image displayed on mobile devices (less than 740px wide). To ensure a good user experience, try to stick to these guidelines:
Suggested image dimensions: 740px x 417px
Maximum safe image file size: 500KB
Target file size: less than 125KB

Hero Image - Large Desktop (1440px)

Image requirements: This will be the image displayed on Large desktop screens (1200px +). To ensure a good user experience, try to stick to these guidelines:
Suggested image dimensions: 1440px x 810px
Maximum safe image file size: 1MB - 2MB
Target file size: 500KB - 850KB

Hero Image - XLarge Desktop (1600px)

Image requirements: This will be the image displayed on XLarge desktop screens (1440px +). To ensure a good user experience, try to stick to these guidelines:
Suggested image dimensions: 1600px x 900px
Maximum safe image file size: 1.5MB - 2MB
Target file size: 1MB

Hero Image - XXLarge Desktop (1920px)

Image requirements: This will be the image displayed on XXLarge desktop screens (1800px +). To ensure a good user experience, try to stick to these guidelines:
Suggested image dimensions: 1920px x 1080px
Maximum safe image file size: 2MB - 3MB
Target file size: 1.5MB

Staff Directory Images

Staff Photos: Establish a standard size for your office/department and make all the photos the same size, e.g., 200px x 400px. If you want Drupal to size your photos, that can be done, but how to do that is in another part of this guide.

Nivo Slider

Nivo Slider images: If you have the Nivo slider module installed on your Drupal site, establish a standard size for your images, e.g., 900px x 400px, and no larger than 1 to 2 MB.

Portable Document Format Files

PDFs: Save the PDF in Adobe Acrobat as a Reduced File before uploading it to Drupal.

Adobe Acrobat Save As image