Creating Content


1. Each of the following content pieces are automatically “Published” (visible to the public). To change this, go to the Publishing options tab at the bottom of edit mode and uncheck the “Published” box.

2. In each piece of content, you create, go below the Body (Edit Summary) box, select Full HTML in the Text format box. Full HTML format will allow text added to the Body to appear as you format it (with color, bolded, etc.).

Basic Page

To create a basic page, go to Content, then + Add content. Click on Basic page, then add a title (which will become part of the URL).

See Content Formatting below for more information on placing of text/images/etc. within your page.


To create an article, go to Content, then + Add content. Click on Article, then add a title (which will become part of the URL). Articles are identical to pages in content formatting.

1. Inserting Images

To insert an image, put your cursor where you want an image to fall on your page. You can send a photo to the left, right or center of the page after you insert it, so don’t worry about that - just focus on where (vertically) on the page you want the photo. Save the photo somewhere on your computer where you can find it, then click on button labeled (a).

Click Browse Server, then Upload on the top left, then Browse. Select the image, Upload, then Insert Files. Adjust the width and height by changing one of the numbers: as you change one dimension, the other should change to accommodate. If it does not, simply click OK, and go back to edit the dimensions again by selecting the photo and clicking the photo icon (a) again. You can send the photo to the left, right, or center of the page by selecting an option on the Alignment menu. You can also add a black border to the photo (Border).

2. Inserting Links

To link a URL to a photo or section of text, highlight the photo or text that you wish to lead to the URL, and select the link icon (b). Place the URL into the URL space, then select Target. In the Target drop-down box, select the window you’d like the URL to open in when it is clicked. Click OK to save.

3. Inserting Text from Word (and other places)

To insert any quantity of text content from Word (or almost any other source), select option (d) and press Ctrl+V to paste the copied (to copy, press Ctrl+C) text into the window that opens, and press OK to save.

4. Text Color, Size, and Font

To modify the color of text, select option (c). The size and font of text can be modified by using the buttons to the left of option (c), Font Size .

Adding background-color to your page or content

Add below HTML code in your body of th content.

<div style="background: #f18973; border-radius: 15px; padding-top: 1em; padding-bottom: 1em;">

Change color code according to you style and you can change border as well as padding or you can remove that extra code. 1em Padding is approximately 10px. Add padding according to your style.

Also border radius can give nice curved border if you want rounded corner add the following code.

border-radius: 15px 

Here is also an example for the color selection

Below is the example of the background color.